Das ist auch unser Land! Warum Deutschsein mehr als deutsch sein ist.
English: This is our country, too! Why being German means more than being German.
The racist attack in Hanau, where nine people were murdered, has brutally highlighted the divisions in our society. Many Germans with a migration background once again feel like foreigners because they know: the perpetrator also targeted them. What does it mean to be an “outsider” in a country one considers home? How has immigration changed Germany – and the migrants themselves? And how can we appreciate differences while also finding commonalities? Cigdem Toprak tells this story through her own experience and a variety of conversations she has had with people from immigrant families.
Her book is based on conversations with the rappers Celo & Abdï, the influencer Gözde Duran, the DFB integration commissioner Cacau, the hip-hop promoter Marina Buzunashvilli, the director Neco Celik, the boxing world champion Nikki Adler, and the boxing world champion Jack Culcay, the hairdresser and entrepreneur Shan Rahimkhan, the model and influencer Kaan Tosun, the sneaker designer Hikmet Sugör, the hip-hop producer Mohamad Hoteit (aka The Royals), the Dulatov brothers – models and mixed martial arts fighters – the label owner Syn, and many others.
Publisher: Ch. Links Verlag
Publication date: October 7, 2020
ISBN: 978-3-86284-480-7
Category: Politics, Society
Number of pages: 256
Language: German
The Book “Das ist auch unser Land! Warum Deutschsein mehr als deutsch sein bedeutet” was also published by the The Federal Agency for Civic Education. For more information, click here.
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